How to invest in diamonds?
What are the basic characteristics of an investment diamond? What should you pay special attention to when choosing a diamond for investment purposes in order to enjoy a successful capital investment over the years?
There are eight basic grinding styles (shape and cutting styles) under which diamonds can appear:
circular, diamond-shaped or Tolkowski's.
The heart,
The round grind, also known as diamond-shaped grind, is a strictly defined geometric mass described in 1919 by Marcel Tolkowski's mathematician. It is the most desirable shape and the only one that characterizes the diamond intended for the investment.
What is "4C"?
4C is an abbreviation of the English parameter names that define each diamond.
They are:
The weight of diamonds is determined in units known as caratas (1ct = 0.2 g). The larger the (heavier) stone, the higher its price and rate of return over time.
Sanding is probably the most important parameter describing diamond. It is wrong to say that the term cut is used to describe eight basic shapes of sanding stone. The quality of the grinding is evaluated after the resulting effect of light emitted by the diamonds. The proportions and symmetry of the geometric mass as well as the quality of polishing are extremely important.
The quality of the grinding is determined on the following scale:
very good,
The colour (colour) of the diamond is indicated by the letter letter D to Z. The colour described by the term "purest white" is marked with the letter D. The colour of the stone changes into a more champagne colour together with subsequent letters of the alphabet. Of course, D-coloured diamonds are the most desirable diamonds due to their rarity of occurrence.
Charity describes the amount of un crystallised carbon in a diamond. The following terms have been adopted:
F (Flawless) - clean, without any precipitation of graphite,
IF (Internally Flawless) - small, but only superficial precipitation,
VVS1 - VVS2 (Very Very Very Slightly Included) - slight precipitations that are hardly noticeable at 10x magnification,
VS1 - VS2 (Very Slightly Included) - Minor precipitations visible under 10x magnification,
SI1 - SI2 (Slightly Included) - precipitation more easily visible under 10x magnification,
I1, I2, I3 (Included) or P1, P2, P3, P3, P (Peak) - precipitation visible to the naked eye.
Fifth' C'.
The fifth "C" is a certificate for diamonds. The certificate is a kind of a diamond label, where all the most detailed parameters of the diamond have been described, as well as its path from the mine to the first investor.
The certificate issued by an independent gemmological laboratory is a proof of the legality of the stone, the fact that the stone has undergone a quality control. The certificate number is also laser-burnt on the roundabout (the largest diameter) of the diamond, which makes the diamond and the assigned certificate an inseparable steam.
The principle "4c" is repeated as a mantra by sellers and jewellers, and it would seem that these are the only parameters describing diamonds. However, it turns out that there are still a few more features that influence the value of the stone for investment.
The proportions and symmetry of the diamond are closely related to the quality of its grinding. Knowing the actual dimensions of individual elements of the shape of the brilliant block, it is possible to compare them with the model geometric mass according to Tolkowski's assumptions.
The table size - the largest, upper surface of the stone - is a value expressed as a percentage, and it determines the ratio between the diameter of the panel and the average diameter of the whole stone. The thickness of the roundabout, the angle of the crown and the pavilion tilt are also important. The proper shape and proportions of the diamond shape influence the dispersion of light.
Diamonds are also characterized by a certain degree of fluorescence, i. e. light emission under UV radiation, as well as scintillations, i. e. an additional light flash when the stone is in motion. These are issues that a beginner diamond investor does not know, and they are of great importance when setting the price of an investment diamond.
So what to buy? What to be careful not to fall into the trap of a clever but not entirely honest vendor? In the next section, I will try to outline the principles that should be followed when choosing a diamond so that our investment does not bring about losses, but the expected profits.
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