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Showing posts from November, 2017

How to safely invest?

What do you invest in safely and efficiently? What do you invest in safely and efficiently? If you want to multiply your assets or protect them from depreciation in times of turbulence on the financial markets, you will know something for yourself.

Asia investment fund

Investment funds located on Asian markets Asia is the most fashionable investment direction for investment funds . Why is there such a drive to invest in Asian markets ? Are the  investment funds   located on the market really so attractive?

Investment style

Every investor should know his investment style Deciding to start an adventure with  investing , the investor must be aware that the nature of his decisions is connected with his own, unique investment styles . At the beginning it is worth emphasizing that there are no bad investment styles .

Investing in futures contracts

Futures contracts - what are they and how to investing in them? Futures contracts are an interesting alternative to equity investments . Year after year they are becoming more and more popular not only among big players but also among small investors.

Personal investment plan

Construction of a personal investment plan Investors do not plan to lose, but they lose, because they do not plan "- this saying illustrates how important the preparation of a plan is. The investment plan is a kind of a signpost for the investor, who thanks to it knows how to move around the market.

Stock index investing

Investing in stock indexes How to buy a stock index? Not so long ago, the investment in the stock exchange index may have been associated either with transactions on futures contracts or with the purchase of stocks included in the index , which exposing the investor to significant transaction costs.

Foreign bond investment

Foreign bonds - does it pay to invest in them? The answer to such a question cannot be unambiguous because the category of foreign government bonds covers a wide range of quite diverse papers - from very risky ones, such as those of Ukraine or Venezuela (which can generate considerable profits), to very secure (but not profitable) such as Swiss or German papers.